9 Tools for Getting the Message Out There


When it comes to getting your message out there, there are a plenty of free tools you can use.  The type to choose will depend on the format and content of the message as well as your personal preferences regarding the sites available.  Here is a list of my 9 favourite tools:


  1. Facebook – You can create a Facebook page for your business, a group for clients or staff or any other section of people.  You can use your Facebook pages to build relationships with your clients and create a dialog with them.
  2. Google+ – Allows you to have meetings, webinars, etc.  Also helps your SEO as Google indexes it quickly.  As with Facebook, it’s a way to build relationships and open a dialog with your clients.
  3. LinkedIn – Is more of a professional network where you can build relationships with professional contacts and showcase your expertise in groups and by answering questions.
  4. Twitter – Make connections with people, keep up with the latest news in your fields of interest and publicise your blogs, articles, events & workshops.
  5. Mailchimp – A tool to help you create and track email newsletters.
  6. Pinterest – A Virtual pinboard where users create pinboards around topics they are interested in.  You can create your own boards displaying your products as well as boards in keeping with your field.  It’s generally considered bad form to only pin your own products and services.
  7. Tumblr – A microblogging service that’s useful for small posts, particularly posts consisting mostly of images.  Tumblr posts can be a photo/video/text etc, but shorter is better.
  8. WordPress – My favoured blogging platform, you can use either self hosted (via your own webhost), or wordpress.com (as this blog is).  There are a heap of themes available, it’s customisable, and best used for longer text based posts.
  9. YouTube – for videos.  Whether you want to use it for more traditional ads, how to’s, product demonstrations, lectures or v-logs. 


So those are my favorites, I’m sure there are many others so please let me know your favourites in the comments.


I’ve also linked all of the above sites to my accounts, so if you like what you see on any of the pages please follow me and feel free to let me know your username so I can follow you back.