3 Things To Do To Build Customer Trust

Having the trust of your customers, makes customer relationships easier. It makes it easier to get customers, get referrals and to retain customers. It also gives your customers peace of mind in their dealings with you. 

3 Things To Do To Build Customer Trust - Sharyn Munro Virtual Assistance

Here are three things you can do to build customer trust.

Offer a guarantee

A guarantee is a great way to give peace of mind to new customers.  Of course, you must be prepared to come through on your guarantee if things go wrong. So, don’t promise something outrageous – it will at worst cost you a lot to pay out on. At best, it will make customers wary of it being a “too good to be true” guarantee.

There are different types of guarantee, so you need to consider which suits your business the best:

  • A Money Back Guarantee
  • A Fix the Problem Guarantee
  • A Replace the Product Guarantee
  • A Price Matching Guarantee

Share testimonials

Testimonials from satisfied customers are incredibly valuable. If you can get customers to give a video testimonial, that’s even better.

  • Get a testimonial as soon as possible after you’ve finished working with the client while the experience is fresh in their mind
  • Don’t delete bad or lukewarm testimonials. While you don’t want a page full of mediocre testimonials, having a page full of glowing testimonials can look fake.
  • Ask for testimonials – as a rule people are happy to give them but they won’t think about it unless you ask.
  • Give them a guide to help them get started

Deliver on your promises

Probably the most important of all, come through on your promises. This not only means big things like your guarantee, but small things like:

  • When someone contacts you, acknowledge that the contact has been received and give an estimate of when you’ll get back to them
  • If you say you’ll have a response by a certain time, respond before that time – even if you’re just responding to say “Sorry, I don’t have an answer yet”
  • If you market yourself on good service, make sure your service is always good. If you market yourself as having premium products, never scrimp on quality.

If you take the time to build customer trust, it makes the relationship with your customers easier and happier for both your business and your customers.