6 Ways To Develop A Good Relationship With A Virtual Assistant

Working with a Virtual Assistant is a great way to find a bit more time, get more professional looking documents and correspondence and have someone who can be a bit of a sounding board in your business.  But, unless you’ve got a good relationship with a high degree of trust, you won’t get the best possible results.

6 Ways To Develop A Good Relationship With A Virtual Assistant - Sharyn Munro Virtual Assistance

Communication is probably the most important aspect of developing trust.  You need to be clear on what you want and what you expect. And your Virtual Assistant needs to be able to come to you when they have any problems, concerns or ideas on different ways things could be done.

Find someone you’re comfortable talking to

If you find someone who you feel comfortable with initially, it will be easier for you to broach any problems or issues you may have.  It also makes it easier to build rapport and develop a relationship.  The more comfortable you are with your Virtual Assistant in the early stages of your relationship, the easier it will be to create trust.

Find someone who communicates in the same way as you do

I think this is really important.  If you hate the phone, but your Virtual Assistant only wants to talk on the phone – then you’ll be feeling uncomfortable at the start of interactions. If you’re someone who has problems getting a concept across in writing, then a Virtual Assistant who communicates by email is probably not your best bet.  It’s not impossible to work successfully with someone who communicates differently, but it will take a lot more effort.

Don’t be afraid to give too much information – particularly in the initial stages

The more information your Virtual Assistant has the easier it will be for them to know what you want. This means they’ll be able to give you exactly what you want, rather than what they assume you’ll want. They’ll also know what you’re wanting to achieve and they may have ideas that will help you get there quicker.

Be crystal clear about your needs and expectations

A Virtual Assistant will do their very best to do what you want, but if you’re not clear about what you want you won’t get what you want.  When a Virtual Assistant is doing all they can to give you their best work, but getting a lukewarm response, it’s discouraging. And when you’re continually getting work back from your Virtual Assistant that just isn’t quite right, it can make you wonder why you’re bothering.  So go overboard with instruction in the early stages, and if you’re not delighted by the work you get back, let your Virtual Assistant know what you’d prefer was done differently in future.

Don’t be afraid to try again

Sometimes you just don’t gel with a Virtual Assistant. It doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with either of you, just that you’re not compatible. So don’t be afraid to say “this isn’t working” and try again with another Virtual Assistant.

Remember, it’s a partnership

It’s also important to remember that your Virtual Assistant isn’t an employee, they are an independent contractor who is working with you to make your business succeed. So they should be asking questions when things aren’t clear; they should be offering suggestions if they know a better way to do something; and they should be proactive about any issues they come across in the tasks they do for you. It’s not only up to you. If you feel like you’re doing all the work, it may be a sign of a bad match.

Finding the right Virtual Assistant will make a huge difference to your business. However, you may have to take time to build trust. Or you might have to try a couple of different Virtual Assistants to find the right match. But if you have a bad experience, don’t give up.