I Can’t Find My File

I Can’t Find My File

Sometimes you want to send a file on to someone, but you can’t find it to attach it to your email/copy it to Dropbox etc. In these cases, there’s a couple of easy ways to try to find the file:

1. If it was received via email and you saved it to your computer, open any email with an attachment and try to save the attachment. The folder that it tries to save to is probably the one the document is in.

2. If you created it using Word or Excel (or any other Microsoft Office program), open the program and click the FILE tab, there will be a list of the documents you’ve used recently, and below the file name, it will tell you where the file is.File Paths in Microsoft Word - Sharyn Munro Virtual Assistance

3. If neither of those work, check the “default” folders or Libraries: if it’s a download from the web check “Downloads”, if it’s a Document check “Documents”, if it’s a photo check “Pictures”, a sound file check “Music” and a video or movie check “Videos”Windows Libraries - Sharyn Munro Virtual Assistance


There’s a very good chance that your file will be in one of those locations. If you frequently have problems, then your filing system is probably too complicated and you should look at using the default libraries more.


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