Before You Hire A Virtual Assistant

If you want some help in your business and you’re going to hire a Virtual Assistant, taking the time to get the right fit will make for a successful and productive partnership, while the wrong person can be a drain on you emotionally and financially.

To help you make the right choice, here are 10 things to think about before you start working with a Virtual Assistant. In fact, before you even start looking.  Remember – there’s no wrong reasons to want someone to help in your business, however hiring the wrong person won’t work out well for any of you.

Before you hire a virtual assistant - Sharyn Munro Virtual AssistanceWhy do you want help

  1. To not feel so alone in your business
  2. To help you deal with overwhelm
  3. To deal with the things you hate doing
  4. To fill skill gaps

What role you want the Virtual Assistant to play

  1. Do you want an advisor
  2. Do you want an expert in their field
  3. Do you want a subordinate who you can closely supervise

What you want the Virtual Assistant to do

  1. Do you want a Virtual Assistant who will take the ball and run with it
  2. Do you want a Virtual Assistant who will report closely to you
  3. Do you want a Virtual Assistant who will work with you

Needless to say, it’s important to match the type of person you want with the type of person they are.

If you want to be able to closely supervise, or micromanage, someone, then  don’t hire someone who is a “take the reins and run with it type”. They’ll just feel stifled and resentful and you won’t get the best out of them. Plus, you’ll probably be paying more for skills and initiative that you don’t really want.

If you want someone to take the reins and run with things, you need to find people who are capable of doing that or you’ll be left with people who are coming to you for instruction every step of the way.Don’t expect that a Virtual Assistant will automatically work the way you want them to, but you should be comfortable asking for what you want. If you aren’t comfortable asking, or your Virtual Assistant doesn’t work in the way you want then it’s probably best that you both try elsewhere. There are a lot of Virtual Assistants around, and it’s a good chance that the Virtual Assistant who doesn’t fit well with you can help you find one that does.