Pre-Vacation Checklist

There’s nothing worse than going on leave and not being sure if you remembered to do something important. For most of us, while it may not ruin our vacation, it can mean either having to drop into work to check that it’s done, or have it niggling in the back of our mind the whole time. The easiest way to make sure you don’t that that niggling feeling is to make a list of everything that needs to be done. Then you can physically cross it off before you leave.

Pre-Vacation Checklist - Sharyn Munro Virtual Assistance

Here’s a quick pre-vacation checklist you can use to make sure that you’ve got everything done that you needed to do before you go on leave.

  1. Set autoresponder on email. Include an out of office message, when you’re due back, when they’re likely to get a response, and if necessary, what people should do in an emergency or who else they can contact. For example:
    I’m currently out of the office until Wednesday 3rd January 2018 and will reply to your email after that time. If your request is urgent, please contact <<name>> on <<contact phone number>>.
  2. Clean out the office fridge. Holidays are a great time to defrost your freezer and clean out the fridge. A couple of days before the break let all staff know that  you’re cleaning fridge and they should remove anything they want to keep. On the final day, throw out anything left in the fridge (if you’re not sure when the cleaners are next in, take the rubbish to the bin, don’t leave it in the office).
  3. If you’re having pest control in over the break, open all cupboards & draws. A lot of businesses get pest control done over the break when you won’t need to be in the office. As you’re leaving, open all the drawers and cupboards, and unlock all the office doors.
  4. Change message on answering machine & mobile phone. A couple of hours before you go on leave, put an out of office message on your phone. Then turn the phone off so you can work undisturbed. I think it’s a good idea to get people to email or text you rather than leave a voicemail.
  5. Transfer phones to virtual receptionist / locum if you’re using them. If you’re using a virtual receptionist or locum while you’re away. Transfer your phones an hour or so before you want to leave. Test it to make sure that you’ve transferred them correctly and that whoever is answering it answers correctly.
  6. Finish up all projects if possible. You don’t want to go on leave with unfinished work. It’ll weigh on your mind the whole time. Get as much done as possible then make notes on anything you don’t finish. Then when you return you’ll  know what you’re up to when you return.
  7. Tidy your desk. Last thing before you leave, tidy up your desk. Don’t just sweep everything into a drawer, but use folders and files to store in-process jobs. Get the filing done before you go, throw out anything you don’t need. Take any personal items home with you so the cleaners can give your desk a proper clear. The bonus is that when you return, you won’t have a heart attack at the mess you’ve left behind!

If you’re concerned about forgetting things when you go on leave, I’ve also created a pre-vacation checklist that you can download here. The checklist includes all of the points listed above and plenty of room for you to add your own tasks. Print the checklist on an A4 sheet of paper, or save it online. If you’re using it online, save it to Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive to access it anywhere.