How A Virtual Assistant Could Help With Your Business Community

A business community is important. Whether it’s the community you create with your clients, the community within your business or the communities you create through networking and with your suppliers. They’re all important in many ways.  Fortunately, your Virtual Assistant can help with all of these.  Here are a few ways a Virtual Assistant can help with your client community and some important tips for making your Virtual Assistant a part of your business community.

How A Virtual Assistant Could Help With Your Business Community - Sharyn Munro Virtual Assistance

Build a community

There are a number of ways a Virtual Assistant can help build your business community. The 3 that spring to mind are:

Social media communities
You Virtual Assistant can help build your social media communities in a lot of ways. They can make sure your posts are scheduled regularly so there is frequent new content appearing. They can monitor comments and keep conversations friendly and on-track, plus they can help provide a quick response to queries.

Regular newsletters are a great way to keep your community in the loop. A Virtual Assistant can help with sourcing and editing content, designing the layout, creating the draft newsletter, sending the newsletter and sharing it on social media. A Virtual Assistant can also manage your subscriber database and make sure that new customers are added and that anyone who requests removal is removed promptly. Your Virtual Assistant can also create some subscriber groups so you can target particular clients.

Customer service
An excellent product or service plus great customer service is the best way to create a community of fans. So ask your Virtual Assistant to help in the provision of customer service. From documenting policy and procedures so your staff can resolve issues as they occur to being a point of customers for clients. A Virtual Assistant can help make your customer service a quick and painless process that customers will rave about.


Be part of your community

As well as helping you to build your customer community, it’s important for your Virtual Assistant to be part of your business community.

Like a regular staff member
(Except not a staff member).  Your Virtual Assistant does need the same level of knowledge as the rest of your staff. It’s important to make sure you let your Virtual Assistant know of any policy, procedure or staffing changes that may have an effect on them.  The better informed your Virtual Assistant is, the better the level of service they can offer.

Attend staff meetings
Getting your Virtual Assistant to attend staff meetings, or a part of your staff meetings is a great way to build the team, and to ensure they have the knowledge they need. A Virtual Assistant doesn’t need to physically attend unless they live nearby and are OK with that. But they can dial in, preferably at the beginning or towards the end of your meeting, so they can be advised of everything they need to know AND be included in a social chat to build the team.


Of course, these are just some of the ways a Virtual Assistant can help build your business community. How do you get your Virtual Assistant to help build community?