Five ways to keep your clients happy

Every business needs clients and it’s far easier to keep an existing client than to find new ones.  You’ll also find that word of mouth referrals are the easiest way to get new clients.  Neither of these will occur if your current clients are not happy.  In alphabetical order, here are 5 of the key, client pleasing attributes you should make sure that your company displays:

  1. Consistency.  Sell what you say you sell, make sure clients get a consistent experience every time they use your products or services.   Don’t experiment with clients in the hope of raising the customer experience.   It’s a great idea to upgrade your offerings and existing clients can be the best people to test drive any new products or services.  But if you’re going to use your clients as testers – ASK first, don’t just make changes that deduct from any part of their experience and expect them to be happy.
  2.  Flexibility.  Be flexible with as much as possible.  By all means have rules or standards, but be prepared to bend a little if it’s required.   A client is always more impressed with companies who give a bit extra – and if you don’t tell them
  3.  Personality.  Let your personality shine through.  Let your company have a personality of its own.  Often personality will turn out to be the main point of difference between you and a competitor, so don’t be afraid to be you.  It’ll also help ensure you get the best possible clients for you. 
  4.  Pricing. Be realistic and honest when pricing your services.  People don’t mind paying for value, but there’s a limit to the value people place on anything.  Price your products and services at a reasonable level.  If your products or services are worth a premium price – then make sure you charge that premium price.  Never apologise for setting a premium price, and don’t’ be afraid to tell the world what the value you offer your clients is.
  5.  Quality.  Whether you sell product or services the quality is the key.  If the quality is lacking, then you’ll have problems retaining clients.  If quality is only so-so, the pricing and advertising has to reflect that.  If quality is excellent, pricing is unimportant .  So as along as there’s a demand for quality, there’s opportunity to service your clients.

Are there any other attributes you think are necessary for your company to please your clients?  Let me know in the comments.