Getting A Virtual Assistant To Help With Creating Graphics

Creating graphics for social media is time-consuming.  If you’re not artistically inclined, or if you’re short on time, it can be one extra job that never gets done.

Getting A Virtual Assistant To Help With Creating Graphics – Sharyn Munro Virtual Assistance

With a bit of preparation, it’s easy to get your Virtual Assistant to create graphics for you to use in social media on blog posts. If you want your Virtual Assistant to help with creating graphics, there are a few things you should do first:

Create some content

Generally, you’ll have a graphic with a quote or other text on it. So, you need to create the text for that. There are a few types of content you will probably use.

Information about your field. These will usually be a quick tip, or how-to about something that you do, or is related to what you do. You really need to write these yourself as the point is to show your expertise.

Something about your business. This can be anything about your actual business. For example, a list of opening hours, a change to your contact details etc. Your Virtual Assistant can write these and send through for your approval.

A seasonal message. You know the type, Merry Christmas, Happy Valentine’s Day or even a “happy Monday!” type of post. Again, your Virtual Assistant can write these and send through for your approval.

A message about an event. These will be mostly sales based. 10% off everything next week, come in and see our new display, we’ve got someone or something special in store from 10am to 12 noon on Wednesday and that sort of thing. You should supply the details, but your Virtual Assistant can write the content.

Create a graphics brief

If your Virtual Assistant is going to be choosing the graphics for you, they will need a brief on what type of graphics to use. So, you might say, use geometric patterns with a green base. Or use people in their 20’s to 40’s who look a little hipster-y. Just think a little about who your ideal customer is and create a graphics brief to appeal to them.

You could also develop your own images by getting pictures professionally taken of you, your business, your products, or something you think is a good representation of your business. I’d suggest using professional pictures over something you’ve taken with your phone. But if you have skill as a photographer and can take a good photo with your phone, then have a go. It will cost you nothing but time.

You can store the images on Dropbox, in Google Drive or, if you use Canva to create images you can save them there.

If you can take the time initially to give your Virtual Assistant these things, then they’ll be able to create images and just forward them to you for approval. Think of the time you’ll save!