I’m a huge fan of infographics as a way to share data. So today I’m going to share a few of my favourite online safety infographics.
You are not safe online
Some of the ways your data is used, and how it can be used against you.
Know your enemies online
From Trend Micro. This infographic shows the different types of baddies in your online neighbourhood. And lets you know what they’re after and how they work.
One click from disaster
How to pick a good password and why it’s important. However, note that, a password manager is a great way to choose secure passwords!
107 Must-Know Data Breach Statistics for 2020
4,800 websites a month are compromised with a formjacking code! How scary is that? You can read the full article that goes with this infographic from Varonis here.
Are you a Hacker’s Target
Shows who is a target; how it’s likely to happen; where it’s most likely to happen; and what you can do to make it more difficult.
Socially Engineered Attacks
A socially engineered attack is when psychologic manipulation is used to trick you to click on a link; enter a password; or do something else that gives access to sensitive information. The author, Webroot has a page with more infographics that every business owner should read.
Lastly, here’s an entire Pinterest board for Internet Safety Infographics
A clear takeaway from these online safety infographics is: A healthy dose of common sense and a strong password will increase your computer security. And as with home security, the more you do to protect yourself the safer you’ll be. As with home security there’s no guarantee that someone who has your personal information is as security conscious as you. So don’t give things to people or businesses that you don’t trust.