My Top 5 Networking Tips

Networking is one of those things, we all have to do it at one time or another and while some people thrive on it, most people range between mild dislike and full on fear when it comes to walking into a room of strangers and making conversation.  I tend to be fairly outgoing, but I’m also super introverted and these are things that work for me.  Hopefully, there will be something useful for you too.

#1 Tequila liesnetworking

No matter how tempting it is (and if you’re an introvert, it really is tempting) don’t drink too much. That sweet spot where you’re a knowledgeable and witty conversationalist is not something you’re in a position to judge once you’ve had a couple of drinks.  Trust me, tequila lies!

#2 Everyone’s there to be friendly

The chances of you being the only person who is a little unsure, nervous or shy is pretty much nil.  So plaster a friendly smile on your face and walk up to a group. Or if that’s too far out of your comfort zone, approach a single person standing alone or on the edge of a group.  Keep an eye out for people making eye contact with you – a couple, or smaller group who are all concentrating on each other will be a little harder to break into, but a person on their own, or a larger group where one or more people are acknowledging newcomers are going to be friendly.

#3 Remember it’s a YOU-niverse not a ME-niverse

Whatever you do, don’t put all your focus on yourself.  Stand around worrying about whether anyone is going to talk to you is just going to put an unfriendly look on your face and probably become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, focus on the people there, imagine they’re all feeling the same way you do and say hi.  Then ask them one or two questions about themselves, their business or the function you’re at and let them take it from then.

#4 Fake it till you make it… sometimes

Learn to remember names, or if you’re not good at it, fake it till you make it!  I am hopeless at names. If we’ve met less than 3 or 4 times, there’s a very good chance that while I’ll remember your face and probably even where we’ve met before and what you do, I’ll have no idea what your name is.  That doesn’t mean that if you’re in a position where you have to perform introductions, or knowing someone’s name is essential  you should lie about it. Be honest and say, “sorry, I’m terrible with names”. Make it about your problem remembering names don’t even hint that it’s because they’re not memorable.  Being a flawed human is a good thing, being seen as dismissive and unauthentic is a really really bad thing.

#5 Don’t drink the kool-aid

There’s a lot of experts out there, and a lot of advice. Take what works for you and ignore what doesn’t. In that vein, my last piece of advice is to beware the professional networkers and take them with a grain of salt. They’ll tell you how to network, how it’s all about targeting the right people and knowing who you want to talk to before you go into a function. When you meet them they’ll be super friendly, follow up afterwards, friend you on a heap of social media networks, then disappear in a blazing rush if they can’t get what they want from you. There’s nothing wrong with it, if that’s how you want to work. But if you’re all about building genuine relationships, don’t get married on the first date.
So that’s my five top tips and like I said, they’re things that work for me.  Take on board what you find useful and ignore the rest.  What are your top networking tips?