At some point you’ve probably asked yourself “why should I care about branding?”. If you’re a small business, and particularly a soloist, it might seem like a lot of unnecessary work. However, good branding can improve your business in several ways.
Consistent branding is great for recognition
One reason to care about branding is for recognition. It means that if everything coming out of your business looks the same, clients and potential clients will notice and pay attention. When your branding is working, your emails get read; your invoices don’t get missed; your ads are seen; and social media posts are more likely to be seen and reacted to by your fans.
A brand plan makes it easier for you
Having a good branding plan makes it easier for you to make choices for your business. Need to create a document – you’ve already got a style and tone documented. If you need to respond to a proposal you have a template and standard way of responding. Basically, having good branding set up means you can just deal with the things that need to change, not start from scratch every time you produce something.
Good branding attracts the right customers
Good branding will help you attract your ideal customers. It will be designed to appeal to them, and not to everyone who might not be such a great fix. In fact, good branding can push away the clients you don’t want. Which will mean that the leads you get are worth pursuing and are more likely to lead to a business relationship. Finally, when you get the right customers, it’s easier to provide good customer service to them.
The benefits of a good branding plan are huge. So, if you’ve ever wondered whether you should care about branding: Yes, you really should. It doesn’t have to be a multi-page, in-depth document. Just a page detailing fonts, colours, images, and tone. Of course, it will be best if you have an ideal client in mind first to guide your branding guide. But branding driven by a look you like is enough, and certainly better than nothing.
If you’d like some more ideas, check out my previous posts on branding.
Click here to book a complimentary 30 minute catch up to discuss how I could help you with your branding.