If you’re working with a Virtual Assistant to create a newsletter, who does what is up to you. However, there are some things you should keep in mind.
I’m a firm believer that you should create your own content. One trap I think a lot of businesses can get caught in is to outsource everything. I firmly believe you should outsource some things – but outsourcing everything will only get you in trouble. When it comes to content, I think it needs to have your touch, and your voice. Particularly if you’re using content as a way to show your authority in a field. If you didn’t write it, it’s really not showing your authority at all is it?
That doesn’t mean that you need to write everything in the newsletter yourself. Give an outline to your Virtual Assistant or a Copywriter and they can flesh out your points. Or, buy some draft articles from an offshore writer and edit them to show your point of view.
Once you’ve got your content sorted, it’s time to upload it to your newsletter. You can always do this yourself, but unless you particularly enjoy it I’d recommend you get your Virtual Assistant to do it for several reasons.
- Firstly, while your Virtual Assistant uploads it they can give it an extra proofread to make sure it flows well. And that it doesn’t have any major spelling or grammatical errors.
- Secondly, formatting can be a little fiddly. Unless you’re experienced, your Virtual Assistant will probably be a lot quicker. And able to come up with something that looks great.
- Lastly, your Virtual Assistant can make sure all the other things are set correctly. For example, the preview, a text only version, sharing on social networks and making sure the links on your email are correct. These are all things that are much easier to do at the time, rather than going through and fixing them after the newsletter has been created.
It’s always great to have good pictures, and they can make or break a newsletter. Downloading any old picture off the web is not OK, because other people have put in the time, effort and expense to create the image and just like you wouldn’t want people stealing your content – it’s not nice to steal other peoples content.
A Virtual Assistant can find a great picture, with appropriate licencing and attribute it on the post if necessary. They can also create images, take photos, or edit your existing images and graphics to provide the perfect images for your newsletter.
Regular Features
Your Virtual Assistant can chase up details for any regular features of your newsletter – whether it’s as simple as checking your website or Facebook page for details of your current specials, to chasing up staff for a regular “staff profiles” section. Once you’ve decided what the regular features are, your Virtual Assistant can add them to their diary and have them ready for each newsletter.
Your Virtual Assistant can also find some “filler” pieces if needed to fill gaps in the newsletters whenever they’re needed.
So there’s a heap of ways a Virtual Assistant can help you get your newsletter out. How much they do, and which bits they do is entirely up to you. I’d suggest using a cross between your budget, and how much you enjoy or dislike doing each bit to decide on the split. There’s plenty of room to be creative – for example if you hate writing, dictate onto your mobile phone or get a digital recorder and dictate articles for your Virtual Assistant. Just have a discussion, give it all a go, and see what works best for you.
If you’d like some more ideas, check out my previous posts about newsletters.
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