Build Your Brand Online

These days, branding is more than just making sure that your letterhead matches your business cards which matches the sign on the front door. Today, branding is not only about the look of the company, but the feel as well.  And that is mostly achieved by networking consistently, particularly in the realm of social networking, where your bad day can stick around forever.  Now more than ever, it’s important to take the time to build your brand online.

Build Your Brand Online - Sharyn Munro Virtual Assistance

Focus on your customer

Knowing your ideal customer inside and out will help you focus your content to appeal to them. So pay attention to where they spend time online, rather than focus on the platform you’re most comfortable with.

Do some research into the keywords people use to find you and create content around those words and phrases. Don’t spam the keywords, but if people are finding you via searches like: “How do I …? or “problem with …?” Then write posts that solve those issues. 

Most importantly, listen to your customers. Ask them about their likes and dislikes. Give them a platform to make requests and offer ideas for new products and services. And if they do offer up ideas, pay attention and respond. And if it’s a really great idea, consider giving them some sort of recognition – whether it’s a discount, a thank you in your next newsletter or even just a handwritten thank you card.

Be consistent

Post regularly, and try to keep the same look and feel in all posts. If you use a couple of social media platforms, your posts should look and feel the same in all of them. Your website, social media, emails, letters and newsletters should all be easily recognisable as coming from your brand.

Using the same phrasing and messaging throughout everything will make customers remember your brand. And make you seem more reliable and prominent. This all helps you be the brand your customers will turn to when they’re ready to buy.

Keep your profile pictures, logos, colour, contact information and basic descriptions very similar. Then people will get used to associating you with those items. The more recognisable you are, the more people will notice every time they see you.

If you’d like some more ideas, check out my previous posts on branding.

Click here to book a complimentary 30 minute catch up to discuss how I could help you to build your brand online.