Delegating and Outsourcing Effectively

When it comes to hiring a Virtual Assistant or outsourcing any other task, one of the most important things to do is delegate effectively.  What this means, is that to be able to outsource something and have it done quickly and correctly, you need to have a clear idea of:

  • Which specific task/s you want to get off your plate
  • What tools are required to complete the task
  • What information is need to complete the task
  • The specific steps involved in completing the task
  • The end result you want to have achieved at the completion of  the task

Once you understand exactly what needs to be done, you can look for someone who can do it for you.  Some of the things to take into account when you’re looking for someone to do the work is:

  • The skillset necessary to do the task
  • Specific knowledge to help get the job done both properly and quickly
  • Amount of trust you’re comfortable placing in someone
  • The urgency of the task, and if there is a firm deadline make sure you give yourself some wiggle room if the job comes back incomplete or needing work
  • How much you’re willing to pay to get the task done

Then, after you’ve found someone to do the work, you need to:

  • Ensure you carefully and thoroughly communicate exactly what it is you want done
  • Let them know who is the best person in your organisation to go to if further information or other resources are needed
  • Set a realistic deadline for the completed task to be returned to you.  This should NOT be the date the task is due to be completed by, you need to leave time for changes to be make
  • Make time to discuss any queries the service provider might have
  • Be prepared to spend some time at the end of the process going over things that could have been done better.  This is important to do, both on a corporate level (next time we outsource, we need to…) and with the service provider, particularly if you’re engaging recurring help as you would with a Virtual Assistant.

One of the key things to keep in mind is that unless you’ve been really lax in your selection process and hired a “fly-by-nighter”, the person you outsource to will be wanting to do a great job and earn your future work, recommendations and a great testimonial.