When you think of getting help answering your calls, you probably think of using an overseas call centre. Well, an even better idea is to hire a local company. There are lots of local Virtual Assistants who offer reception services and there are many benefits of having someone local instead of an offshore company.
Using a local Virtual Assistant to answer calls will be more cost efficient than having a staff member dedicated to reception and less intrusive than having to answer calls as they come in. It allows you to provide better customer service with fewer unanswered calls, and to spend more of your time engaging in profitable work without interruption.
Some of the great reasons to choose a local Virtual Assistant to provide reception services include:
- Less chance of communication difficulties. Whether it’s because of accents, different ways of phrasing things or just local vernaculars, using a more local virtual receptionist will decrease the chances of messages getting muddled.
- No worries about people getting a negative opinion of your company because you use overseas call centres. These days many people have a problem with dealing with overseas call centres. Regardless of whether it’s justified or not, many people dislike companies using overseas call centres.
- A local is better equipped to respond to queries about how to get there, parking, travel times etc. when scheduling appointments
- A more local Virtual Assistant will have better knowledge of local events and times (such as daylight savings, public holidays, school holidays) that could have an effect on your business
- Your regular clients can get used to talking to the same person, or small group of people, and depending on the services offered by your Virtual Assistant they can operate as an emergency contact for your clients when they have problems that need to be resolved immediately.
So who can use a Virtual Assistant to answer their phones and make calls?
Well pretty much anyone, however there’s some professions that probably have more to benefit from it than others. For example:
- Tradesmen can get a Virtual Assistant to answer their phones and book in appointments using a shared calendar. You could either divert your mobile/phone to the Virtual Assistant when you’re on a job, or you could have all calls go directly to them. Either way, no more missed calls, no more having to jot things down and if something truly urgent does come through, your Virtual Assistant can let you know immediately.
- Restaurants, café’s, function centres & theatres. You don’t want to have staff come in just to answer phones, and if you’re in the office to do paperwork or because there’s something on you don’t want to keep being interrupted just to take phone calls. A Virtual Assistant can answer calls, send out information packages, give general information such as opening times, directions via different methods of transport, parking etc. and even make bookings if you have a shared calendar. Messages can be sent through immediately either via SMS or email, or messages can be collated and sent through once or twice a day.
- Anyone who wants themselves and their staff to be able to focus on their work, rather than answer calls as well. Phone calls are distracting and force someone to stop doing what they’re working on to answer the call. You can’t let the phone ring out because that’s a) really bad customer service and b) it’s possible that the call is about something urgent. So instead you continually stop what you’re doing and answer the phone. Having a Virtual Assistant taking your calls means you can leave it up to them, and if the Virtual Assistant does call you with something you’ll know it’s been pre-screened as urgent.
How hard is it to set up? And is it expensive?
It’s not hard to set up, although the more work you put into making a “instruction manual” for the Virtual Assistant, the more they’ll be able to help you. They’ll tell you what they need in the initial stages anyway.
As for costs, there are some setup costs, as the Virtual Assistant will have to setup a dedicated line for you but the ongoing costs are quite reasonable. It’s definitely worth getting a few quotes and comparing what’s available and what suits your businesses needs best.
Lastly, because I get asked about this all the time… when you forward your phone to another number. Incoming calls show the number of the originating caller, not the forwarding number. So you can’t just forward your phone and expect that your Virtual Assistant will know that calls are coming in for your business. That’s why there needs to be a dedicated line set up.
So, if you need respite from your phone calls or you’re considering getting some help, contact your local Virtual Assistant to get a quote for answering your calls and any other services you might need.